Die Abenteuer des kleinen Pinocchio (3a)

  • Erschienen: 1972
  • Albumpreis: 0,60 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,20 DM
  • Album mit 48 Seiten und 360 Sticker
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WM Mexico 70 (1)

  • Erschienen: 1970
  • Albumpreis: 0,50 Lire
  • Tütenpreis: 0,20 Lire
  • Album mit 50 Seiten und 243 Karten und 27 Sticker
 Juanito + Mexian Poster 001  2-fach Sticker
 FIFA Shield 002  Sticker
 Rimet Cup – Mexian Map 003  2-fach Sticker
 Poster 1930 004  Sticker
 Team 1930 005
 Cea 1930 006
 Andrade 1930 007
 Stabile 1930 008
 Poster 1934 009  Sticker
 Team 1934 010
 Combi – Planicka 1934 011
 Schiavio 1934 012
 Orsi 1934 013
 Poster 1938 014  Sticker
 Team 1938 015
 Leonidas 1938 016
 Meazza – Sarosi 1938 017
 Piola 1938 018
 Poster 1950 019  Sticker
 Team 1950 020
 Ghiggia 1950 021
 Schiaffino 1950 022
 Ademir 1950 023
 Poster 1954 024  Sticker
 Team 1954 025
 Rahn 1954 026
 Puskas 1954 027
 Kocsis 1954 028
 Poster 1958 029  Sticker
 Team 1958 030
 Fontaine 1958 031
 Djalma Santos 158 032
 Didi 1958 033
 Poster 1962 034  Sticker
 Team 1962 035
 Albert 1962 036
 Garrincha 1962 037
 Amarildo 1962 038
 Poster 1966 039  Sticker
 Team 1966 040
 Albrecht 1966 041
 Eusebio 1966 042
 Hunt 1966 043
 Estadio Azteca 044
 Mexico Flag and Shield 045  2-fach Sticker
 Mexico Team 046
 Calderon 047
 Alejandrez 048
 Pena 049
 Nunez 050
 Perez 051
 Ponce 052
 Onofre 053
 Diaz 054
 Alvarado 055
 Pereda 056
 Padilla 057
 Fragoso 058
 Borja 059
 Castrejon 060
 Belgie Flag and Shield 061  2-fach Sticker
 Team Belgie 062
 Trappeniers 063
 Heylens 064
 Dewalque 065
 Jeck 066
 Thissen 067
 van Moer 068
 Polleunis 069
 Semmeling 070
 Devrindt 071
 van Himst 072
 Puis 073
 EL Salvador Flag and Shield 074  2-fach Sticker
 Team EL Salvador 075
 Fernandez 076
 Rivas 077
 Mariona 078
 Manzano 079
 Vazquez 080
 Quintanilla 081
 Rodriguez 082
 Martinez 083
 Flamenco 084
 Monje 085
 Acevedo 086
 URSS Flag and Shield 087  2-fach Sticker
 URSS Team 088
 Roudakov 089
 Dzodzuashvili 090
 Chesternev 091
 Khourtzilava 092
 Zovtchev 093
 Kaplitchnyi 094
 Serebzianikov 095
 Mountian 096
 Asatiani 097
 Bichevetz 098
 Pouzatch 099
 Nodia 100
 Khmelnitzki 101
 Kavazachvili 102
 Italia Flag and Shield 103  2-fach Sticker
 Italia Team 104
 Zoff 105
 Burgnich 106
 Facchetti 107
 Bertini 108
 Puia 109
 Salvadore 110
 Domenghini 111
 Rivera 112
 Mazzola 113
 de Sisti 114
 Riva 115
 Anastasi 116
 Juliano 117
 Albertosi 118
 Uruguay Flag and Shield 119  2-fach Sticker
 Uruguay Team 120
 Mazurkiewicz 121
 Ubina 122
 Anchetta 123
 Matozas 124
 Caetano 125
 Montero 126
 Cubilla 127
 Rocha 128
 Silva 129
 Cortes 130
 Bareno 131
 Sverige Flag and Shield 132  2-fach Sticker
 Sverige Team 133
 Hellstroem 134
 Selander 135
 Axelsson 136
 Nordqvist 137
 Grip 138
 Svensson 139
 Larsson 140
 Eriksson 141
 Grahn 142
 Kindvall 143
 Johansson 144
 Israel Flag and Shield 145  2-fach Sticker
 Israel Team 146
 Visoker 147
 Bar 148
 Bello 149
 Lubetzki 150
 Rozen 151
 Rosenthal 152
 Talbi 153
 Shum 154
 Spiegel 155
 Feigenbau 156
 Spiegler 157
 Brasil Flag and Shield 158  2-fach Sticker
 Brasil Team 159
 Ado 160
 Carlos Alberto 161
 Brito 162
 Joel 163
 Everaldo 164
 Piazza 165
 Jairzinho 166
 Gersson 167
 Tostao 168
 Pele 169
 Edu 170
 Rivelino 171
 Dirceu Lopez 172
 Leao 173
 England Flag and Shield 174  2-fach Sticker
 England Team 175
 Banks 176
 Wright 177
 Newton 178
 Mullery 179
 Labone 180
 J. Charlton 181
 Moore 182
 Lee 183
 Bell 184
 B. Charlton 185
 Ball 186
 Hurst 187
 Peters 188
 Bonetti 189
 Ceskoslov Flag and Shield 190  2-fach Sticker
 Ceskoslovensko Team 191
 Viktor 192
 Pivarnik 193
 Hagara 194
 Horvath 195
 Migas 196
 Kvasnak 197
 Kuna 198
 Vesely 199
 Jokl 200
 Adamec 201
 Capkovic 202
 Romania Flag and Shield 203  2-fach Sticker
 Romania Team 204
 Raducanu 205
 Satmareanu 206
 Halmageanu 207
 Dan 208
 Deleanu 209
 Dinu 210
 Domide 211
 Dembrovschi 212
 Dobrin 213
 Dumitrache 214
 Lucescu 215
 Bulgaria Flag and Shield 216  2-fach Sticker
 Bulgaria Team 217
 Simeonov 218
 Scialamanov 219
 Dimitrov (I) 220
 Gaganelov 221
 Zhecev 222
 Penev 223
 Dermengiiev 224
 Bonev 225
 Asparuhov 226
 Jakimov 227
 Zhecov 228
 Peru Flag and Shield 229  2-fach Sticker
 Peru Team 230
 Rubinos 231
 de la Torre 232
 Campos 233
 Chumpitaz 234
 Challe 235
 Risco 236
 Mifflin 237
 Baylon 238
 Leon 239
 Cubillas 240
 Gallardo 241
 Maroc Flag and Shield 242  2-fach Sticker
 Maroc Team 243
 Allal 244
 Abdallah 245
 Boujemaa 246
 Moulay Idriss 247
 Slimani 248
 Maaroufi 249
 Said 250
 Filali 251
 Faras 252
 Bamouss 253
 Ghazouan 254
 Deutschland Flag and Shield 255  2-fach Sticker
 Deutschland Team 256
 Maier 257
 Vogts 258
 Schulz 259
 Beckenbauer 260
 Schnellinger 261
 Höttges 262
 Fichtel 263
 Haller 264
 Overath 265
 Dörfel 266
 Seeler 267
 Müller 268
 Held 269
 Wolter 270

Bisher sind 3 verschieden Kartenrückseiten bekannt

  • grün-schwarz
  • schwarz-rot
  • rot-blau

In den Tüten warendesweiteren  teilweise Karten mit Bisvalida Rücken enthalten.

Bisvalida Karte

Diese konnte man an Panini zurücksenden und erhielt dafür bestimmte Prämien gratis oder günstiger als im Handel. Die Prämien wurden unter anderem auf der Album Rückseite abgebildet

Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass viele Bisvalidas wegen der tollen Geschenke zurückgesendet wurden, gibt es diese heutzutage natürlich auch entsprechend seltener.

Prämien für Bisvalida Karten

In den Alben waren entweder 1 Tüte gratis enthalten oder 4 Karten

Die internationale ist bis auf das Cover identisch

Album international

Es gibt 4 Tütenvarianten

4 Tütenvarianten


WM USA 94 – UK und Irland Version (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 1,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 416 Sticker

Das Album enthält 11 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Sticker 001
Sticker 002
Sticker 003
Sticker 004
Sticker 005
Sticker 006
Sticker 007
Sticker 008
Sticker 009
Sticker 010
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Sticker 030
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Sticker 033
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Sticker 036
Sticker 037  Silbersticker
Sticker 038
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Die Mannschaften von USA, Kamerun, Spanien, Südkorea, Bolivien, Nigeria, Argentinien,

Irland, Norwegen, Mexiko, Marokko, Niederlande und Saudi-Arabien besitzen keinen Teamsticker und kein Silberwappen

Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat grüne Stickerrückseiten

Die Sticker von Spanien, Bolivien, Saudi-Arabien, Kamerun, Nigeria, Argentinien, Marokko und

Südkorea sind die gleichen wie in der internationalen Version, jedoch wurden die Sticker als

Gesichtsportrait gedruckt und nicht mit Shirt

links UK Version, rechts internationale Version

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
Shiny Int. Album Cover
16 Tony Meola (USA)
17 Marcelo Balboa (USA)
18 John Doyle (USA)
19 Desmond Armstrong (USA)
Badge USA
20 Alexi Lalas (USA)
21 Paul Caligiuri (USA)
22 Mike Lapper (USA)
23 Thomas Dooley (USA)
24 John Harkes (USA)
25 Tab Ramos (USA)
26 Chris Henderson (USA)
27 Cobi Jones (USA)
Team USA
28 Dominic Kinnear (USA)
29 Roy Wegerle (USA)
30 Eric Wynalda (USA)
31 Joe-Max Moore (USA)
32 Brad Friedel (USA)
33 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
34 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
35 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
36 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
37 Badge Swiss
38 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
39 Andy Egli (Swiss)
40 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
41 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
42 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
43 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
44 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
45 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
46 Team Swiss
47 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
48 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
49 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
50 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
51 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
52 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
53 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
54 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
55 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
56 Badge Colombia
57 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
58 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
59 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
60 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
61 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
62 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
63 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
64 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
65 Team Colombia
66 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
67 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
68 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
69 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
70 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
71 Florian Prunea (Romania)
72 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
73 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
74 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
75 Badge Romania
76 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
77 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
78 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
79 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
80 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
81 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
82 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
83 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
84 Team Romania
85 Nica Panduru (Romania)
86 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
87 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
88 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
89 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
90 Taffarel (Brasil)
91 Jorginho (Brasil)
92 Cafu (Brasil)
93 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
94 Badge Brasil
95 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
96 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
97 Branco (Brasil)
98 Dunga (Brasil)
99 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
100 Rai (Brasil)
101 Zinho (Brasil)
102 Palhinha (Brasil)
103 Team Brasil
104 Bebeto (Brasil)
105 Romario (Brasil)
106 Müller (Brasil)
107 Evair (Brasil)
108 Zetti (Brasil)
109 Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
110 Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
111 Viktor Onopko (Russia)
112 Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
113 Badge Russia
114 Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
115 Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
116 Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
117 Igor Shalimov (Russia)
118 Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
119 Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
120 Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
121 Team Russia (Russia)
122 Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
123 Oleg Salenko (Russia)
124 Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
125 Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
126 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
127 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
128 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
129 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
Badge Cameroun
130 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
131 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
132 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
133 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
134 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
135 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
136 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
137 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
Team Cameroun
138 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
139 David Embe (Cameroun)
140 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
141 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
142 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
143 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
144 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
145 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
146 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
147 Badge Sweden
148 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
149 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
150 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
151 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
152 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
153 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
154 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
155 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
156 Team Sweden
157 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
158 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
159 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
160 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
161 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
162 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
163 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
164 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
165 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
166 Badge Germany
167 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
168 Christian Ziege (Germany)
169 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
170 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
171 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
172 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
173 Andereas Möller (Germany)
174 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
175 Team Germany
176 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
177 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
178 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
179 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
180 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
181 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
182 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
183 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
184 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
Badge Spain
185 Fernando Giner (Spain)
186 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
187 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
188 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
189 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
190 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
191 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
192 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
Team Spain
193 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
194 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
195 Julio Salinas (Spain)
196 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
197 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
198 In Young Choi (South Korea)
199 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
200 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
201 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
Badge South Korea
202 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
203 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
204 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
205 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
206 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
207 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
208 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
209 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
Team South Korea
210 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
211 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
212 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
213 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
214 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
Badge Bolivia
215 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
216 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
217 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
218 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
219 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
220 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
221 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
222 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
Team Bolivia
Badge Nigeria
223 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
224 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
225 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
226 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
227 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
228 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
229 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
230 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
Team Nigeria
231 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
232 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
233 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
234 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
Badge Argentina
235 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
236 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
237 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
238 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
239 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
240 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
241 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
242 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
Team Argentina
243 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
244 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
245 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
246 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
247 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
248 Antonis Minou (Greece)
249 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
250 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
251 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
252 Badge Greece
253 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
254 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
255 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
256 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
257 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
258 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
259 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
260 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
261 Team Greece
262 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
263 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
264 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
265 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
266 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
267 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
268 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
269 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
270 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
271 Badge Bulgaria
272 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
273 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
274 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
275 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
276 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
277 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
278 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
279 Hristo Stoichkov
280 Team Bulgaria
281 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
282 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
283 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
284 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
285 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
286 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
287 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
288 Franco Baresi (Italy)
289 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
290 Badge Italy
291 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
292 Christian Panucci (Italy)
293 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
294 Dino Baggio (Italy)
295 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
296 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
297 Albergio Evani (Italy)
298 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
299 Team Italy
300 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
301 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
302 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
303 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
304 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
305 Pat Bonner (Ireland)
306 Denis Irwin (Ireland)
307 Kevin Moran (Ireland)
308 Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
Badge Ireland
309 Terry Phelan (Ireland)
310 Paul McGrath (Ireland)
311 Steve Staunton (Ireland)
312 Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
313 Roy Keane (Ireland)
314 Andy Townsend (Ireland)
315 Ray Houghton (Ireland)
316 John Sheridan (Ireland)
Team Ireland
317 Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
318 Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
319 John Aldridge (Ireland)
320 Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
321 Alan Kelly (Ireland)
322 Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
323 Henning Berg (Norway)
324 Rune Bratseth (Norway)
325 Tore Pedersen (Norway)
Badge Norway
326 Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
327 Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
328 Roger Nilsen (Norway)
329 Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
330 Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
331 Erik Mykland (Norway)
332 Gunnar Halle (Norway)
333 Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
Team Norway
334 Lars Bohinen (Norway)
335 Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
336 Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
337 Jostein Flo (Norway)
338 Frode Grodås (Norway)
339 Jorge Campos (Mexico)
340 Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
341 Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
342 Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
Badge Mexico
343 Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
344 Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
345 Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
346 David Patino (Mexico)
347 Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
348 Miguel Espana (Mexico)
349 Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
350 Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
Team Mexico
351 Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
352 Luis Garcia (Mexico)
353 Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
354 Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
355 Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
356 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
357 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
358 Georges Grun (Belgium)
359 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
360 Badge Belgium
361 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
362 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
363 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
364 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
365 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
366 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
367 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
368 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
369 Team Belgium
370 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
371 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
372 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
373 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
374 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
375 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
376 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
377 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
378 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
Badge Morocco
379 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
380 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
381 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
382 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
383 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
384 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
385 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
386 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
Team Morocco
387 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
388 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
389 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
390 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
391 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
392 Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
393 Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
394 Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
395 John de Wolf (Netherland)
Badge Netherland
396 Frank de Boer (Netherland)
397 Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
398 Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
399 Jan Wouters (Netherland)
400 Wim Jonk (Netherland)
401 Aron Winter (Netherland)
402 Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
403 Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
Team Netherland
404 Marc Overmars (Netherland)
405 Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
406 Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
407 Bryan Roy (Netherland)
408 Theo Snelders (Netherland)
Badge Saudi Arabia
409 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
410 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
411 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
412 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
413 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
414 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
415 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
416 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)

WM USA 94 – Niederlande Version (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 1,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 344 Sticker

Das Album enthält 17 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Das Album besitzt ein Poster mit 16 Papiersticker, diese sind blau markiert

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Posterscan wird noch benötigt

Die Mannschaften von USA, Russland, Irland, Norwegen, Mexiko und Niederlande fehlen

Von Spanien fehlt das Wappen und der Teamsticker

Die Niederländische Mannschaft fehlt und ist dafür als Poster vorhanden mit den Stickern A – Q

Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat rote Stickerrückseiten

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
Shiny Int. Album Cover
Tony Meola (USA)
Marcelo Balboa (USA)
John Doyle (USA)
Desmond Armstrong (USA)
Badge USA
Alexi Lalas (USA)
Paul Caligiuri (USA)
Mike Lapper (USA)
Thomas Dooley (USA)
John Harkes (USA)
Tab Ramos (USA)
Chris Henderson (USA)
Cobi Jones (USA)
Team USA
Dominic Kinnear (USA)
Roy Wegerle (USA)
Eric Wynalda (USA)
Joe-Max Moore (USA)
Brad Friedel (USA)
16 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
17 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
18 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
19 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
20 Badge Swiss
21 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
22 Andy Egli (Swiss)
23 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
24 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
25 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
26 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
27 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
28 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
29 Team Swiss
30 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
31 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
32 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
33 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
34 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
35 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
36 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
37 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
38 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
39 Badge Colombia
40 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
41 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
42 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
43 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
44 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
45 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
46 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
47 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
48 Team Colombia
49 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
50 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
51 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
52 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
53 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
54 Florian Prunea (Romania)
55 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
56 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
57 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
58 Badge Romania
59 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
60 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
61 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
62 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
63 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
64 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
65 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
66 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
67 Team Romania
68 Nica Panduru (Romania)
69 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
70 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
71 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
72 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
73 Taffarel (Brasil)
74 Jorginho (Brasil)
75 Cafu (Brasil)
76 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
77 Badge Brasil
78 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
79 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
80 Branco (Brasil)
81 Dunga (Brasil)
82 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
83 Rai (Brasil)
84 Zinho (Brasil)
85 Palhinha (Brasil)
86 Team Brasil
87 Bebeto (Brasil)
88 Romario (Brasil)
89 Müller (Brasil)
90 Evair (Brasil)
91 Zetti (Brasil)
Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
Viktor Onopko (Russia)
Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
Badge Russia
Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
Igor Shalimov (Russia)
Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
Team Russia (Russia)
Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
Oleg Salenko (Russia)
Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
92 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
93 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
94 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
95 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
96 Badge Cameroun
97 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
98 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
99 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
100 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
101 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
102 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
103 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
104 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
105 Team Cameroun
106 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
107 David Embe (Cameroun)
108 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
109 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
110 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
111 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
112 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
113 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
114 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
115 Badge Sweden
116 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
117 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
118 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
119 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
120 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
121 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
122 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
123 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
124 Team Sweden
125 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
126 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
127 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
128 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
129 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
130 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
131 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
132 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
133 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
134 Badge Germany
135 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
136 Christian Ziege (Germany)
137 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
138 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
139 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
140 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
141 Andereas Möller (Germany)
142 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
143 Team Germany
144 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
145 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
146 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
147 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
148 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
149 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
150 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
151 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
152 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
Badge Spain
153 Fernando Giner (Spain)
154 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
155 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
156 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
157 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
158 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
159 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
160 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
Team Spain
161 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
162 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
163 Julio Salinas (Spain)
164 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
165 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
166 In Young Choi (South Korea)
167 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
168 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
169 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
170 Badge South Korea
171 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
172 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
173 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
174 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
175 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
176 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
177 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
178 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
179 Team South Korea
180 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
181 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
182 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
183 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
184 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
185 Badge Bolivia
186 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
187 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
188 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
189 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
190 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
191 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
192 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
193 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
194 Team Bolivia
195 Badge Nigeria
196 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
197 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
198 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
199 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
200 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
201 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
202 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
203 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
204 Team Nigeria
205 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
206 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
207 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
208 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
209 Badge Argentina
210 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
211 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
212 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
213 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
214 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
215 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
216 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
217 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
218 Team Argentina
219 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
220 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
221 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
222 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
223 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
224 Antonis Minou (Greece)
225 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
226 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
227 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
228 Badge Greece
229 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
230 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
231 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
232 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
233 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
234 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
235 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
236 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
237 Team Greece
238 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
239 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
240 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
241 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
242 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
243 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
244 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
245 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
246 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
247 Badge Bulgaria
248 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
249 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
250 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
251 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
252 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
253 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
254 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
255 Hristo Stoichkov
256 Team Bulgaria
257 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
258 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
259 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
260 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
261 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
262 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
263 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
264 Franco Baresi (Italy)
265 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
266 Badge Italy
267 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
268 Christian Panucci (Italy)
269 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
270 Dino Baggio (Italy)
271 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
272 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
273 Albergio Evani (Italy)
274 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
275 Team Italy
276 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
277 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
278 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
279 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
280 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
Pat Bonner (Ireland)
Denis Irwin (Ireland)
Kevin Moran (Ireland)
Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
Badge Ireland
Terry Phelan (Ireland)
Paul McGrath (Ireland)
Steve Staunton (Ireland)
Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
Roy Keane (Ireland)
Andy Townsend (Ireland)
Ray Houghton (Ireland)
John Sheridan (Ireland)
Team Ireland
Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
John Aldridge (Ireland)
Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
Alan Kelly (Ireland)
Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
Henning Berg (Norway)
Rune Bratseth (Norway)
Tore Pedersen (Norway)
Badge Norway
Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
Roger Nilsen (Norway)
Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
Erik Mykland (Norway)
Gunnar Halle (Norway)
Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
Team Norway
Lars Bohinen (Norway)
Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
Jostein Flo (Norway)
Frode Grodås (Norway)
Jorge Campos (Mexico)
Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
Badge Mexico
Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
David Patino (Mexico)
Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
Miguel Espana (Mexico)
Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
Team Mexico
Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
Luis Garcia (Mexico)
Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
281 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
282 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
283 Georges Grun (Belgium)
284 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
285 Badge Belgium
286 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
287 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
288 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
289 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
290 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
291 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
292 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
293 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
294 Team Belgium
295 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
296 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
297 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
298 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
299 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
300 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
301 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
302 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
303 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
304 Badge Morocco
305 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
306 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
307 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
308 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
309 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
310 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
311 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
312 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
313 Team Morocco
314 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
315 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
316 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
317 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
318 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
John de Wolf (Netherland)
Badge Netherland
Frank de Boer (Netherland)
Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
Jan Wouters (Netherland)
Wim Jonk (Netherland)
Aron Winter (Netherland)
Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
Team Netherland
Marc Overmars (Netherland)
Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
Bryan Roy (Netherland)
Theo Snelders (Netherland)
319 Badge Saudi Arabia
320 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
321 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
322 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
323 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
324 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
325 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
326 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
327 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)
328 Team Saudi Arabia
Bodo Illgner (Germany)
Thomas Berthold (Germany)
Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
Klaus Augenthaler (Germany)
Guido Buchwald (Germany)
Andreas Brehme (Germany)
Steffan Reuter (Germany)
Andreas Möller (Germany)
Team Germany
Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
Olaf Thon (Germany)
Uwe Bein (Germany)
Thomas Hässler (Germany)
Pierre Littbarski (Germany)
Rudi Völler (Germany)
Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
A Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
B Edwin Van Der Sar (Netherland)
C Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
D John De Wolf (Netherland)
E Frank De Boer (Netherland)
F Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
G Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
H Jan Wouters (Netherland)
I Arthur Numan (Netherland)
J Marc Overmars (Netherland)
K Ronald De Boer (Netherland)
L Peter Van Vossen (Netherland)
M Reginald Blinker (Netherland)
N Gaston Taument (Netherland)
O Hans Gillhaus (Netherland)
P Philip Cocu (Netherland)
Q Pierre Van Hooijdonk (Netherland

WM USA 94 – Mexico Version (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 2,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 426 Sticker

Das Album enthält 24 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

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Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat schwarze Stickerrückseiten

Die Mannschaft USA fehlt

Sticker Nr. 16 zeigt das Cover des internationalen Albums und ist ein Silbersticker, dieser ist grün markiert

Auf den Seiten 4-5 ist Platz, damit man sich seine eigene 11 Zusammenstellen kann, desweiteren

gibts es Platz für Sticker vom Weltmeister, dem 2. Platzierten und den Spieler der die meisten

Tore geschossen hat.

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
16 Shiny Int. Album Cover
Tony Meola (USA)
Marcelo Balboa (USA)
John Doyle (USA)
Desmond Armstrong (USA)
Badge USA
Alexi Lalas (USA)
Paul Caligiuri (USA)
Mike Lapper (USA)
Thomas Dooley (USA)
John Harkes (USA)
Tab Ramos (USA)
Chris Henderson (USA)
Cobi Jones (USA)
Team USA
Dominic Kinnear (USA)
Roy Wegerle (USA)
Eric Wynalda (USA)
Joe-Max Moore (USA)
Brad Friedel (USA)
17 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
18 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
19 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
20 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
21 Badge Swiss
22 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
23 Andy Egli (Swiss)
24 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
25 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
26 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
27 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
28 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
29 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
30 Team Swiss
31 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
32 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
33 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
34 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
35 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
36 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
37 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
38 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
39 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
40 Badge Colombia
41 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
42 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
43 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
44 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
45 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
46 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
47 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
48 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
49 Team Colombia
50 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
51 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
52 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
53 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
54 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
55 Florian Prunea (Romania)
56 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
57 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
58 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
59 Badge Romania
60 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
61 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
62 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
63 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
64 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
65 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
66 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
67 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
68 Team Romania
69 Nica Panduru (Romania)
70 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
71 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
72 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
73 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
74 Taffarel (Brasil)
75 Jorginho (Brasil)
76 Cafu (Brasil)
77 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
78 Badge Brasil
79 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
80 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
81 Branco (Brasil)
82 Dunga (Brasil)
83 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
84 Rai (Brasil)
85 Zinho (Brasil)
86 Palhinha (Brasil)
87 Team Brasil
88 Bebeto (Brasil)
89 Romario (Brasil)
90 Müller (Brasil)
91 Evair (Brasil)
92 Zetti (Brasil)
93 Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
94 Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
95 Viktor Onopko (Russia)
96 Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
97 Badge Russia
98 Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
99 Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
100 Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
101 Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
102 Igor Shalimov (Russia)
103 Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
104 Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
105 Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
106 Team Russia (Russia)
107 Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
108 Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
109 Oleg Salenko (Russia)
110 Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
111 Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
112 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
113 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
114 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
115 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
116 Badge Cameroun
117 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
118 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
119 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
120 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
121 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
122 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
123 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
124 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
125 Team Cameroun
126 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
127 David Embe (Cameroun)
128 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
129 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
130 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
131 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
132 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
133 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
134 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
135 Badge Sweden
136 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
137 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
138 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
139 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
140 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
141 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
142 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
143 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
144 Team Sweden
145 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
146 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
147 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
148 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
149 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
150 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
151 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
152 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
153 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
154 Badge Germany
155 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
156 Christian Ziege (Germany)
157 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
158 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
159 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
160 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
161 Andereas Möller (Germany)
162 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
163 Team Germany
164 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
165 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
166 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
167 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
168 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
169 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
170 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
171 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
172 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
173 Badge Spain
174 Fernando Giner (Spain)
175 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
176 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
177 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
178 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
179 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
180 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
181 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
182 Team Spain
183 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
184 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
185 Julio Salinas (Spain)
186 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
187 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
188 In Young Choi (South Korea)
189 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
190 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
191 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
192 Badge South Korea
193 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
194 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
195 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
196 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
197 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
198 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
199 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
200 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
201 Team South Korea
202 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
203 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
204 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
205 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
206 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
207 Badge Bolivia
208 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
209 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
210 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
211 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
212 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
213 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
214 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
215 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
216 Team Bolivia
217 Badge Nigeria
218 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
219 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
220 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
221 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
222 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
223 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
224 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
225 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
226 Team Nigeria
227 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
228 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
229 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
230 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
231 Badge Argentina
232 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
233 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
234 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
235 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
236 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
237 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
238 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
239 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
240 Team Argentina
241 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
242 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
243 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
244 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
245 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
246 Antonis Minou (Greece)
247 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
248 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
249 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
250 Badge Greece
251 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
252 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
253 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
254 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
255 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
256 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
257 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
258 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
259 Team Greece
260 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
261 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
262 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
263 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
264 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
265 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
266 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
267 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
268 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
269 Badge Bulgaria
270 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
271 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
272 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
273 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
274 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
275 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
276 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
277 Hristo Stoichkov
278 Team Bulgaria
279 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
280 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
281 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
282 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
283 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
284 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
285 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
286 Franco Baresi (Italy)
287 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
288 Badge Italy
289 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
290 Christian Panucci (Italy)
291 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
292 Dino Baggio (Italy)
293 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
294 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
295 Albergio Evani (Italy)
296 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
297 Team Italy
298 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
299 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
300 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
301 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
302 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
303 Pat Bonner (Ireland)
304 Denis Irwin (Ireland)
305 Kevin Moran (Ireland)
306 Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
307 Badge Ireland
308 Terry Phelan (Ireland)
309 Paul McGrath (Ireland)
310 Steve Staunton (Ireland)
311 Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
312 Roy Keane (Ireland)
313 Andy Townsend (Ireland)
314 Ray Houghton (Ireland)
315 John Sheridan (Ireland)
316 Team Ireland
317 Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
318 Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
319 John Aldridge (Ireland)
320 Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
321 Alan Kelly (Ireland)
322 Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
323 Henning Berg (Norway)
324 Rune Bratseth (Norway)
325 Tore Pedersen (Norway)
326 Badge Norway
327 Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
328 Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
329 Roger Nilsen (Norway)
330 Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
331 Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
332 Erik Mykland (Norway)
333 Gunnar Halle (Norway)
334 Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
335 Team Norway
336 Lars Bohinen (Norway)
337 Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
338 Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
339 Jostein Flo (Norway)
340 Frode Grodås (Norway)
341 Jorge Campos (Mexico)
342 Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
343 Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
344 Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
345 Badge Mexico
346 Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
347 Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
348 Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
349 David Patino (Mexico)
350 Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
351 Miguel Espana (Mexico)
352 Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
353 Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
354 Team Mexico
355 Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
356 Luis Garcia (Mexico)
357 Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
358 Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
359 Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
360 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
361 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
362 Georges Grun (Belgium)
363 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
364 Badge Belgium
365 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
366 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
367 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
368 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
369 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
370 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
371 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
372 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
373 Team Belgium
374 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
375 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
376 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
377 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
378 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
379 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
380 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
381 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
382 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
383 Badge Morocco
384 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
385 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
386 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
387 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
388 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
389 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
390 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
391 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
392 Team Morocco
393 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
394 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
395 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
396 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
397 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
398 Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
399 Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
400 Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
401 John de Wolf (Netherland)
402 Badge Netherland
403 Frank de Boer (Netherland)
404 Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
405 Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
406 Jan Wouters (Netherland)
407 Wim Jonk (Netherland)
408 Aron Winter (Netherland)
409 Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
410 Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
411 Team Netherland
412 Marc Overmars (Netherland)
413 Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
414 Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
415 Bryan Roy (Netherland)
416 Theo Snelders (Netherland)
417 Badge Saudi Arabia
418 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
419 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
420 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
421 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
422 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
423 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
424 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
425 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)
426 Team Saudi Arabia

WM USA 94 – Brasilien Version (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 2,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 444 Sticker

Das Album enthält 24 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

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Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat schwarze Stickerrückseiten

Für das Album waren 16 Extra Sticker erhältlich, welche ein großes Brasilien Logo ergeben

16 Extrasticker Brasilienlogo

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
16 Tony Meola (USA)
17 Marcelo Balboa (USA)
18 John Doyle (USA)
19 Desmond Armstrong (USA)
20 Badge USA
21 Alexi Lalas (USA)
22 Paul Caligiuri (USA)
23 Mike Lapper (USA)
24 Thomas Dooley (USA)
25 John Harkes (USA)
26 Tab Ramos (USA)
27 Chris Henderson (USA)
28 Cobi Jones (USA)
29 Team USA
30 Dominic Kinnear (USA)
31 Roy Wegerle (USA)
32 Eric Wynalda (USA)
33 Joe-Max Moore (USA)
34 Brad Friedel (USA)
35 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
36 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
37 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
38 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
39 Badge Swiss
40 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
41 Andy Egli (Swiss)
42 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
43 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
44 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
45 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
46 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
47 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
48 Team Swiss
49 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
50 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
51 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
52 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
53 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
54 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
55 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
56 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
57 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
58 Badge Colombia
59 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
60 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
61 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
62 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
63 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
64 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
65 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
66 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
67 Team Colombia
68 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
69 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
70 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
71 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
72 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
73 Florian Prunea (Romania)
74 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
75 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
76 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
77 Badge Romania
78 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
79 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
80 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
81 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
82 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
83 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
84 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
85 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
86 Team Romania
87 Nica Panduru (Romania)
88 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
89 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
90 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
91 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
92 Taffarel (Brasil)
93 Jorginho (Brasil)
94 Cafu (Brasil)
95 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
96 Badge Brasil
97 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
98 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
99 Branco (Brasil)
100 Dunga (Brasil)
101 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
102 Rai (Brasil)
103 Zinho (Brasil)
104 Palhinha (Brasil)
105 Team Brasil
106 Bebeto (Brasil)
107 Romario (Brasil)
108 Müller (Brasil)
109 Evair (Brasil)
110 Zetti (Brasil)
111 Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
112 Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
113 Viktor Onopko (Russia)
114 Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
115 Badge Russia
116 Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
117 Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
118 Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
119 Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
120 Igor Shalimov (Russia)
121 Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
122 Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
123 Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
124 Team Russia (Russia)
125 Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
126 Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
127 Oleg Salenko (Russia)
128 Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
129 Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
130 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
131 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
132 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
133 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
134 Badge Cameroun
135 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
136 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
137 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
138 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
139 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
140 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
141 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
142 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
143 Team Cameroun
144 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
145 David Embe (Cameroun)
146 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
147 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
148 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
149 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
150 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
151 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
152 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
153 Badge Sweden
154 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
155 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
156 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
157 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
158 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
159 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
160 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
161 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
162 Team Sweden
163 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
164 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
165 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
166 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
167 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
168 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
169 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
170 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
171 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
172 Badge Germany
173 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
174 Christian Ziege (Germany)
175 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
176 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
177 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
178 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
179 Andereas Möller (Germany)
180 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
181 Team Germany
182 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
183 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
184 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
185 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
186 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
187 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
188 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
189 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
190 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
191 Badge Spain
192 Fernando Giner (Spain)
193 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
194 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
195 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
196 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
197 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
198 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
199 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
200 Team Spain
201 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
202 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
203 Julio Salinas (Spain)
204 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
205 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
206 In Young Choi (South Korea)
207 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
208 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
209 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
210 Badge South Korea
211 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
212 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
213 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
214 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
215 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
216 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
217 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
218 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
219 Team South Korea
220 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
221 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
222 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
223 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
224 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
225 Badge Bolivia
226 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
227 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
228 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
229 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
230 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
231 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
232 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
233 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
234 Team Bolivia
235 Badge Nigeria
236 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
237 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
238 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
239 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
240 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
241 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
242 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
243 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
244 Team Nigeria
245 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
246 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
247 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
248 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
249 Badge Argentina
250 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
251 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
252 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
253 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
254 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
255 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
256 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
257 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
258 Team Argentina
259 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
260 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
261 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
262 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
263 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
264 Antonis Minou (Greece)
265 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
266 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
267 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
268 Badge Greece
269 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
270 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
271 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
272 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
273 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
274 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
275 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
276 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
277 Team Greece
278 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
279 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
280 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
281 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
282 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
283 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
284 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
285 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
286 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
287 Badge Bulgaria
288 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
289 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
290 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
291 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
292 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
293 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
294 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
295 Hristo Stoichkov
296 Team Bulgaria
297 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
298 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
299 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
300 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
301 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
302 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
303 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
304 Franco Baresi (Italy)
305 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
306 Badge Italy
307 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
308 Christian Panucci (Italy)
309 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
310 Dino Baggio (Italy)
311 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
312 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
313 Albergio Evani (Italy)
314 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
315 Team Italy
316 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
317 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
318 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
319 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
320 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
321 Pat Bonner (Ireland)
322 Denis Irwin (Ireland)
323 Kevin Moran (Ireland)
324 Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
325 Badge Ireland
326 Terry Phelan (Ireland)
327 Paul McGrath (Ireland)
328 Steve Staunton (Ireland)
329 Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
330 Roy Keane (Ireland)
331 Andy Townsend (Ireland)
332 Ray Houghton (Ireland)
333 John Sheridan (Ireland)
334 Team Ireland
335 Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
336 Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
337 John Aldridge (Ireland)
338 Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
339 Alan Kelly (Ireland)
340 Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
341 Henning Berg (Norway)
342 Rune Bratseth (Norway)
343 Tore Pedersen (Norway)
344 Badge Norway
345 Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
346 Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
347 Roger Nilsen (Norway)
348 Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
349 Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
350 Erik Mykland (Norway)
351 Gunnar Halle (Norway)
352 Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
353 Team Norway
354 Lars Bohinen (Norway)
355 Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
356 Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
357 Jostein Flo (Norway)
358 Frode Grodås (Norway)
359 Jorge Campos (Mexico)
360 Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
361 Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
362 Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
363 Badge Mexico
364 Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
365 Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
366 Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
367 David Patino (Mexico)
368 Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
369 Miguel Espana (Mexico)
370 Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
371 Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
372 Team Mexico
373 Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
374 Luis Garcia (Mexico)
375 Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
376 Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
377 Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
378 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
379 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
380 Georges Grun (Belgium)
381 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
382 Badge Belgium
383 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
384 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
385 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
386 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
387 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
388 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
389 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
390 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
391 Team Belgium
392 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
393 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
394 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
395 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
396 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
397 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
398 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
399 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
400 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
401 Badge Morocco
402 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
403 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
404 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
405 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
406 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
407 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
408 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
409 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
410 Team Morocco
411 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
412 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
413 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
414 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
415 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
416 Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
417 Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
418 Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
419 John de Wolf (Netherland)
420 Badge Netherland
421 Frank de Boer (Netherland)
422 Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
423 Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
424 Jan Wouters (Netherland)
425 Wim Jonk (Netherland)
426 Aron Winter (Netherland)
427 Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
428 Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
429 Team Netherland
430 Marc Overmars (Netherland)
431 Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
432 Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
433 Bryan Roy (Netherland)
434 Theo Snelders (Netherland)
435 Badge Saudi Arabia
436 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
437 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
438 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
439 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
440 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
441 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
442 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
443 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)
444 Team Saudi Arabia
Das Album enthält 6 Mannschaften mehr als das deutsche Album und zwar:

USA, Russland, Irland, Norwegen, Mexiko, Niederlande

Die Spanische Mannschaft ist in Nationaltrikots abgebildet

WM USA 94 – Internationale Version mit 330 Sticker (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 2,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 330Sticker

Das Album enthält 18 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Sticker 001
Sticker 002
Sticker 003
Sticker 004
Sticker 005
Sticker 006
Sticker 007
Sticker 008
Sticker 009
Sticker 010
Sticker 011
Sticker 012
Sticker 013
Sticker 014
Sticker 015
Sticker 016
Sticker 017
Sticker 018
Sticker 019
Sticker 020  Silbersticker 
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Sticker 039  Silbersticker
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Sticker 058  Silbersticker
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Sticker 077  Silbersticker
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Sticker 096  Silbersticker
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Sticker 230 Silbersticker 
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Sticker 330

Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat blaue Stickerrückseiten

Erschienen in Italien, Frankreich, Belgien, Österreich, Deutschland, England, Schweiz, Portugal, Spanien, Griechenland und Marokko.

WM USA 94 – Internationale Version mit 444 Sticker (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 2,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 444 Sticker

Das Album enthält 24 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Sticker 001
Sticker 002
Sticker 003
Sticker 004
Sticker 005
Sticker 006
Sticker 007
Sticker 008
Sticker 009
Sticker 010
Sticker 011
Sticker 012
Sticker 013
Sticker 014
Sticker 015
Sticker 016
Sticker 017
Sticker 018
Sticker 019
Sticker 020  Silbersticker Scan wird noch benötigt
Sticker 021
Sticker 022
Sticker 023
Sticker 024
Sticker 025
Sticker 026
Sticker 027
Sticker 028
Sticker 029
Sticker 030
Sticker 031
Sticker 032
Sticker 033
Sticker 034
Sticker 035
Sticker 036
Sticker 037
Sticker 038
Sticker 039  Silbersticker
Sticker 040
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Sticker 044
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Sticker 058  Silbersticker
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Sticker 076
Sticker 077  Silbersticker
Sticker 078
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Sticker 087
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Sticker 096  Silbersticker
Sticker 097
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Sticker 115  Silbersticker 
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Sticker 134  Silbersticker
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Sticker 191  Silbersticker Scan wird noch benötigt
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Sticker 210  Silbersticker
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Sticker 225 Silbersticker
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Sticker 235  Silbersticker
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Sticker 249  Silbersticker
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Sticker 344  Silbersticker 
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Sticker 382  Silbersticker
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Sticker 401  Silbersticker
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Sticker 420  Silbersticker 
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Sticker 434
Sticker 435  Silbersticker
Sticker 436
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Sticker 438
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Sticker 440
Sticker 441
Sticker 442
Sticker 443
Sticker 444

Das Album enthält 6 Mannschaften mehr als das deutsche Album und zwar:

USA, Russland, Irland, Norwegen, Mexiko, Niederlande

Die Spanische Mannschaft ist in Nationaltrikots abgebildet

Dieses Album hat schwarze Stickerrückseiten

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
16 Tony Meola (USA)
17 Marcelo Balboa (USA)
18 John Doyle (USA)
19 Desmond Armstrong (USA)
20 Badge USA
21 Alexi Lalas (USA)
22 Paul Caligiuri (USA)
23 Mike Lapper (USA)
24 Thomas Dooley (USA)
25 John Harkes (USA)
26 Tab Ramos (USA)
27 Chris Henderson (USA)
28 Cobi Jones (USA)
29 Team USA
30 Dominic Kinnear (USA)
31 Roy Wegerle (USA)
32 Eric Wynalda (USA)
33 Joe-Max Moore (USA)
34 Brad Friedel (USA)
35 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
36 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
37 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
38 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
39 Badge Swiss
40 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
41 Andy Egli (Swiss)
42 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
43 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
44 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
45 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
46 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
47 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
48 Team Swiss
49 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
50 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
51 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
52 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
53 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
54 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
55 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
56 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
57 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
58 Badge Colombia
59 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
60 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
61 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
62 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
63 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
64 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
65 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
66 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
67 Team Colombia
68 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
69 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
70 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
71 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
72 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
73 Florian Prunea (Romania)
74 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
75 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
76 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
77 Badge Romania
78 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
79 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
80 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
81 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
82 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
83 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
84 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
85 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
86 Team Romania
87 Nica Panduru (Romania)
88 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
89 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
90 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
91 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
92 Taffarel (Brasil)
93 Jorginho (Brasil)
94 Cafu (Brasil)
95 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
96 Badge Brasil
97 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
98 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
99 Branco (Brasil)
100 Dunga (Brasil)
101 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
102 Rai (Brasil)
103 Zinho (Brasil)
104 Palhinha (Brasil)
105 Team Brasil
106 Bebeto (Brasil)
107 Romario (Brasil)
108 Müller (Brasil)
109 Evair (Brasil)
110 Zetti (Brasil)
111 Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
112 Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
113 Viktor Onopko (Russia)
114 Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
115 Badge Russia
116 Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
117 Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
118 Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
119 Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
120 Igor Shalimov (Russia)
121 Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
122 Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
123 Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
124 Team Russia (Russia)
125 Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
126 Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
127 Oleg Salenko (Russia)
128 Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
129 Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
130 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
131 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
132 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
133 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
134 Badge Cameroun
135 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
136 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
137 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
138 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
139 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
140 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
141 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
142 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
143 Team Cameroun
144 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
145 David Embe (Cameroun)
146 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
147 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
148 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
149 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
150 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
151 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
152 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
153 Badge Sweden
154 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
155 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
156 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
157 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
158 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
159 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
160 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
161 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
162 Team Sweden
163 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
164 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
165 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
166 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
167 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
168 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
169 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
170 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
171 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
172 Badge Germany
173 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
174 Christian Ziege (Germany)
175 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
176 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
177 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
178 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
179 Andereas Möller (Germany)
180 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
181 Team Germany
182 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
183 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
184 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
185 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
186 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
187 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
188 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
189 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
190 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
191 Badge Spain
192 Fernando Giner (Spain)
193 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
194 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
195 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
196 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
197 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
198 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
199 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
200 Team Spain
201 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
202 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
203 Julio Salinas (Spain)
204 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
205 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
206 In Young Choi (South Korea)
207 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
208 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
209 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
210 Badge South Korea
211 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
212 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
213 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
214 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
215 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
216 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
217 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
218 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
219 Team South Korea
220 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
221 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
222 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
223 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
224 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
225 Badge Bolivia
226 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
227 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
228 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
229 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
230 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
231 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
232 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
233 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
234 Team Bolivia
235 Badge Nigeria
236 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
237 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
238 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
239 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
240 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
241 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
242 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
243 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
244 Team Nigeria
245 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
246 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
247 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
248 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
249 Badge Argentina
250 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
251 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
252 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
253 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
254 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
255 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
256 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
257 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
258 Team Argentina
259 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
260 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
261 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
262 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
263 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
264 Antonis Minou (Greece)
265 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
266 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
267 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
268 Badge Greece
269 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
270 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
271 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
272 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
273 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
274 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
275 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
276 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
277 Team Greece
278 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
279 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
280 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
281 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
282 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
283 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
284 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
285 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
286 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
287 Badge Bulgaria
288 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
289 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
290 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
291 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
292 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
293 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
294 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
295 Hristo Stoichkov
296 Team Bulgaria
297 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
298 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
299 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
300 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
301 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
302 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
303 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
304 Franco Baresi (Italy)
305 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
306 Badge Italy
307 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
308 Christian Panucci (Italy)
309 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
310 Dino Baggio (Italy)
311 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
312 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
313 Albergio Evani (Italy)
314 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
315 Team Italy
316 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
317 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
318 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
319 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
320 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
321 Pat Bonner (Ireland)
322 Denis Irwin (Ireland)
323 Kevin Moran (Ireland)
324 Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
325 Badge Ireland
326 Terry Phelan (Ireland)
327 Paul McGrath (Ireland)
328 Steve Staunton (Ireland)
329 Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
330 Roy Keane (Ireland)
331 Andy Townsend (Ireland)
332 Ray Houghton (Ireland)
333 John Sheridan (Ireland)
334 Team Ireland
335 Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
336 Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
337 John Aldridge (Ireland)
338 Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
339 Alan Kelly (Ireland)
340 Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
341 Henning Berg (Norway)
342 Rune Bratseth (Norway)
343 Tore Pedersen (Norway)
344 Badge Norway
345 Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
346 Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
347 Roger Nilsen (Norway)
348 Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
349 Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
350 Erik Mykland (Norway)
351 Gunnar Halle (Norway)
352 Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
353 Team Norway
354 Lars Bohinen (Norway)
355 Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
356 Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
357 Jostein Flo (Norway)
358 Frode Grodås (Norway)
359 Jorge Campos (Mexico)
360 Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
361 Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
362 Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
363 Badge Mexico
364 Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
365 Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
366 Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
367 David Patino (Mexico)
368 Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
369 Miguel Espana (Mexico)
370 Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
371 Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
372 Team Mexico
373 Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
374 Luis Garcia (Mexico)
375 Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
376 Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
377 Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
378 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
379 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
380 Georges Grun (Belgium)
381 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
382 Badge Belgium
383 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
384 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
385 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
386 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
387 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
388 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
389 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
390 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
391 Team Belgium
392 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
393 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
394 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
395 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
396 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
397 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
398 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
399 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
400 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
401 Badge Morocco
402 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
403 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
404 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
405 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
406 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
407 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
408 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
409 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
410 Team Morocco
411 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
412 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
413 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
414 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
415 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
416 Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
417 Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
418 Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
419 John de Wolf (Netherland)
420 Badge Netherland
421 Frank de Boer (Netherland)
422 Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
423 Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
424 Jan Wouters (Netherland)
425 Wim Jonk (Netherland)
426 Aron Winter (Netherland)
427 Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
428 Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
429 Team Netherland
430 Marc Overmars (Netherland)
431 Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
432 Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
433 Bryan Roy (Netherland)
434 Theo Snelders (Netherland)
435 Badge Saudi Arabia
436 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
437 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
438 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
439 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
440 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
441 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
442 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
443 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)
444 Team Saudi Arabia

WM USA 94 – Deutsche Version (165)

  •  Erschienen: 1994
  • Albumpreis: 1,00 DM
  • Tütenpreis: 0,70 DM
  • Album mit 40 Seiten und 345 Sticker

Das Album enthält 17 Silbersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Das Album besitzt ein Poster mit 16 Papiersticker, diese sind blau markiert

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Hier ist das Poster


Die Mannschaften von USA, Russland, Irland, Norwegen, Mexiko und Niederlande fehlen

Von Spanien fehlt das Wappen und der Teamsticker

Das spanische Team ist mit den Trainingstrikots abgebildet nicht mit dem Nationaltrikot

Die Stickeranzahl und die Sticker sind in einigen Ländern unterschiedlich

Dieses Album hat violette oder braune Stickerrückseiten

Die Sticker sind wie folgt belegt

1 San Francisco
2 Boston
3 Orlando
4 Dallas
5 Detroit
6 Chicago
7 Chicago Stadium
8 Detroit Stadium
9 New York Stadium
10 Boston Stadium
11 Dallas Stadium
12 Orlando Stadium
13 Washington Stadium
14 San Francisco Stadium
15 Los Angeles Stadium
Shiny Int. Album Cover
Tony Meola (USA)
Marcelo Balboa (USA)
John Doyle (USA)
Desmond Armstrong (USA)
Badge USA
Alexi Lalas (USA)
Paul Caligiuri (USA)
Mike Lapper (USA)
Thomas Dooley (USA)
John Harkes (USA)
Tab Ramos (USA)
Chris Henderson (USA)
Cobi Jones (USA)
Team USA
Dominic Kinnear (USA)
Roy Wegerle (USA)
Eric Wynalda (USA)
Joe-Max Moore (USA)
Brad Friedel (USA)
16 Marco Pascolo (Swiss)
17 Marc Hottiger (Swiss)
18 Alain Geiger (Swiss)
19 Dominique Herr (Swiss)
20 Badge Swiss
21 Yvan Quentin (Swiss)
22 Andy Egli (Swiss)
23 Christophe Ohrel (Swiss)
24 Georges Bregy (Swiss)
25 Ciriaco Sforza (Swiss)
26 Thomas Bickel (Swiss)
27 Alain Sutter (Swiss)
28 Adrian Knup (Swiss)
29 Team Swiss
30 Stephane Chapuisat (Swiss)
31 Kubilay Türkyilmaz (Swiss)
32 Marco Grassi (Swiss)
33 Christophe Bonvin (Swiss)
34 Stephan Lehmann (Swiss)
35 Oscar Eduardo Cordoba (Colombia)
36 Luis Fernando Herrera (Colombia)
37 Luis Carlos Perea (Colombia)
38 Alexis Antonio Mendoza (Colombia)
39 Badge Colombia
40 Wilson Enrique Perez (Colombia)
41 Gabriel Jaime Gomez (Colombia)
42 Leonel De Jesus Alvarez (Colombia)
43 Carlos Alberto Valderrama (Clombia)
44 Freddy Eusebio Rincon (Colombia)
45 Alexis Enrique Garcia (Colombia)
46 John Harold Lozano (Colombia)
47 Jose Adolfo Valencia (Colombia)
48 Team Colombia
49 Faustino Hernan Asprilla (Colombia)
50 Ivan Rene Valciano (Colombia)
51 Victor Hugo Aristizabal (Colombia)
52 John Jairo Trellez (Colombia)
53 Farid Camilo Mondragon (Colombia)
54 Florian Prunea (Romania)
55 Dan Petrescu (Romania)
56 Miodrag Belodedici (Romania)
57 Gheorghe Popescu (Romania)
58 Badge Romania
59 Daniel Prodan (Romania)
60 Gheorghe Mihali (Romania)
61 Ioan Lupescu (Romania)
62 Tibor Selymes (Romania)
63 Ioan Ovidiu Sabau (Romania)
64 Dorinel Munteanu (Romania)
65 Dorin Mateut (Romania)
66 Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
67 Team Romania
68 Nica Panduru (Romania)
69 Ilie Dumitrescu (Romania)
70 Florin Raducioiu (Romania)
71 Marius Lacatus (Romania)
72 Bogdan Stelea (Romania)
73 Taffarel (Brasil)
74 Jorginho (Brasil)
75 Cafu (Brasil)
76 Ricardo Rocha (Brasil)
77 Badge Brasil
78 Ricardo Gomes (Brasil)
79 Marcio Santos (Brasil)
80 Branco (Brasil)
81 Dunga (Brasil)
82 Mauro Silva (Brasil)
83 Rai (Brasil)
84 Zinho (Brasil)
85 Palhinha (Brasil)
86 Team Brasil
87 Bebeto (Brasil)
88 Romario (Brasil)
89 Müller (Brasil)
90 Evair (Brasil)
91 Zetti (Brasil)
Stanislav Cherchesov (Russia)
Dimitrij Khlestov (Russia)
Viktor Onopko (Russia)
Andreij Ivanov (Russia)
Badge Russia
Jurij Nikiforov (Russia)
Vasilij Kulkov (Russia)
Sergeij Gorlukovich (Russia)
Dmitrij Popov (Russia)
Igor Shalimov (Russia)
Igor Dobrovolskij (Russia)
Andreij Kanchelskis (Russia)
Sergeij Kiryakov (Russia)
Team Russia (Russia)
Igor Kolyvanov (Russia)
Sergeij Yuran (Russia)
Oleg Salenko (Russia)
Dmitrij Radchenko (Russia)
Dmitrij Kharin (Russia)
92 Joseph Antoine Bell (Cameroun)
93 Victor Ndip Akem (Cameroun)
94 Hans Agbo (Cameroun)
95 Ayakan Alphonse Yombi (Cameroun)
96 Badge Cameroun
97 Denis Tchantal Nde (Cameroun)
98 Stephen Tataw (Cameroun)
99 Emile M´bouh (Cameroun)
100 Jean-Claude Pagal (Cameroun)
101 Cyrille Makanaky (Cameroun)
102 Serge Paul Loga (Cameroun)
103 Emanuel Maboang Kessack (Cameroun)
104 Joseph Andre Mbarga (Cameroun)
105 Team Cameroun
106 Roger Milla (Cameroun)
107 David Embe (Cameroun)
108 Francois Omam-Biyik (Cameroun)
109 Alphonse Tchami (Cameroun)
110 Williams Andem (Cameroun)
111 Thomas Ravelli (Sweden)
112 Rolando Nillson (Sweden)
113 Patrik Andersson (Sweden)
114 Jan Eriksson (Sweden)
115 Badge Sweden
116 Roger Ljung (Sweden)
117 Pontus Kämark (Sweden)
118 Jochim Björklund (Sweden)
119 Stefan Landberg (Sweden)
120 Klas Ingersson (Sweden)
121 Jonas Thern (Sweden)
122 Stefan Schwarz (Sweden)
123 Anders Limpar (Sweden)
124 Team Sweden
125 Stefan Rehn (Sweden)
126 Tomas Brolin (Sweden)
127 Martin Dahlin (Sweden)
128 Henrik Larsson (Sweden)
129 Lars Eriksson (Sweden)
130 Bodo Illgner (Germany)
131 Thomas Helmer (Germany)
132 Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
133 Guido Buchwald (Germany)
134 Badge Germany
135 Andreas Brehme (Germany)
136 Christian Ziege (Germany)
137 Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
138 Stefan Effenberg (Germany)
139 Matthias Sammer (Germany)
140 Maurizio Gaudino (Germany)
141 Andereas Möller (Germany)
142 Thomas Hässler (Germany)
143 Team Germany
144 Thomas Strunz (Germany)
145 Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
146 Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)
147 Ulf Kirsten (Germany)
148 Andreas Köpke (Germany)
149 Andoni Zubizarreta (Spain)
150 Albert Ferrer (Spain)
151 Francisco Jose Camarasa (Spain)
152 Rafael Alcorta (Spain)
Badge Spain
153 Fernando Giner (Spain)
154 Sergi Barjuan (Spain)
155 Miguel Angel Nadal (Spain)
156 Josep Guardiola (Spain)
157 Jose Maria Baquero (Spain)
158 Feranando Hierro (Spain)
159 Julen Guerrero (Spain)
160 Jose Luis Perez Caminero (Spain)
Team Spain
161 Luis Enrique Martinez (Spain)
162 Juan Antonio Goicoechea (Spain)
163 Julio Salinas (Spain)
164 „Juanele“ Juan Castano (Spain)
165 Jose Santiago Canizares (Spain)
166 In Young Choi (South Korea)
167 Jung Bae Park (South Korea)
168 Jong Son Chung (South Korea)
169 Pan Keun Kim (South Korea)
170 Badge South Korea
171 Myung Bo Hong (South Korea)
172 Hong Gi Shin (South Korea)
173 Sang Bum Gu (South Korea)
174 Jung Yoon Noh (South Korea)
175 Moon Sik Choi (South Korea)
176 Hyun Seok Kim (South Korea)
177 Jeong Woon Ko (South Korea)
178 Joo Sung Kim (South Korea)
179 Team South Korea
180 Seok Ju Ha (South Korea)
181 Jung Won Seo (South Korea)
182 Sun Hong Hwang (South Korea)
183 Jeong Hyeok Kim (South Korea)
184 Bum Chul Sin (South Korea)
185 Badge Bolivia
186 Carlos Leonel Trucco / Gustavo Quinteros (Bolivia)
187 Marco Sandy / Miguel Angel Rimba (Bolivia)
188 Juan Manuel Pena / Luis Cristaldo (Bolivia)
189 Carlos Borja / Julio Cesar Baldivieso (Bolivia)
190 Milton Melgar / Johnny Villarroel (Bolivia)
191 Marco Etcheverry / Ramiro Castillo (Bolivia)
192 Erwin Sanchez / William Ramallo (Bolivia)
193 Alvaro Pena / Dario Rojas (Bolivia)
194 Team Bolivia
195 Badge Nigeria
196 Wilfred Agbonavbare / Augustine Eguavon (Nigeria)
197 Stephen Keshi / Benedict Iroha (Nigeria)
198 Uche Okechukuwu / Isaac Semitoje (Nigeria)
199 Abdul Sule / Thopson Oliha (Nigeria)
200 George Finidi / Mutiu Adepoju (Nigeria)
201 Augustine Okocha / Emmanuel Amuneke (Nigeria)
202 Daniel Amokachi / Rashidi Yekini (Nigeria)
203 Samson Siasia / Alloy Agu (Nigeria)
204 Team Nigeria
205 Sergio Javier Goycochea (Argentina)
206 Jose Antonio Chamot (Argentina)
207 Sergio Fabian Vazquez (Argentina)
208 Oscar Alfredo Ruggeri (Argentina)
209 Badge Argentina
210 Carlos Javier MacAllister (Argentina)
211 Jorge Horacio Borelli (Argentina)
212 Fernando Carlos Redondo (Argentina)
213 Diego Pablo Simeone (Argentina)
214 Hugo Leonardo Perez (Argentina)
215 Leonardo Adrian Rodriguez (Argentina)
216 Gustavo Miguel Zapata (Argentina)
217 Diego Armando Maradona (Argentina)
218 Team Argentina
219 Abel Eduardo Balbo (Argentina)
220 Gabriel Omar Batistuta (Argentina)
221 Claudio Paul Caniggia (Argentina)
222 Ramon Ismael Medina Bello (Argentina)
223 Luis Alberto Islas (Argentina)
224 Antonis Minou (Greece)
225 Stratos Apostolakis (Greece)
226 Stylianos Manolas (Greece)
227 Vassilios Ioannidis (Greece)
228 Badge Greece
229 Ioannis Kalitzakis (Greece)
230 Kyriakos Karataidis (Greece)
231 Athanasios Kolitsidakis (Greece)
232 Panagiotis Tsaloukidis (Greece)
233 Nikolaos Nioplias (Greece)
234 Anastasios Mitropoulos (Greece)
235 Spyridon Maragos (Greece)
236 Nikolaos Tsiantakis (Greece)
237 Team Greece
238 Alexios Alexandris (Greece)
239 Dimitris Saravakos (Greece)
240 Nikolaos Machlas (Greece)
241 Vassilios Dimitriadis (Greece)
242 Kostas Chaniotakis (Greece)
243 Borislav Mihailov (Bulgaria)
244 Emil Kremenliev (Bulgaria)
245 Trifon Ivanov (Bulgaria)
246 Petar Hubchev (Bulgaria)
247 Badge Bulgaria
248 Zanko Zvetanov (Bulgaria)
249 Ilian Kiriakov (Bulgaria)
250 Zlatko Yankov (Bulgaria)
251 Nikolai Todorov (Bulgaria)
252 Krasimir Balakov (Bulgaria)
253 Yorda Lechkov (Bulgaria)
254 Daniel Borimirov (Bulgaria)
255 Hristo Stoichkov
256 Team Bulgaria
257 Emil Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
258 Petar Alexandrov (Bulgaria)
259 Nasko Sirakov (Bulgaria)
260 Ivailo Yordanov (Bulgaria)
261 Dimitar Popov (Bulgaria)
262 Gianluca Pagliuca (Italy)
263 Antonio Benarrivo (Italy)
264 Franco Baresi (Italy)
265 Alessandro Costacurta (Italy)
266 Badge Italy
267 Paolo Maldini (Italy)
268 Christian Panucci (Italy)
269 Stefano Eranio (Italy)
270 Dino Baggio (Italy)
271 Demetrio Albertini (Italy)
272 Robero Donadoni (Italy)
273 Albergio Evani (Italy)
274 Roberto Baggio (Italy)
275 Team Italy
276 Roberto Mancini (Italy)
277 Pier Luigi Casiraghi (Italy)
278 Giuseppe Signori (Italy)
279 Andrea Silenzi (Italy)
280 Luca Marchegiani (Italy)
Pat Bonner (Ireland)
Denis Irwin (Ireland)
Kevin Moran (Ireland)
Alan Kernaghan (Ireland)
Badge Ireland
Terry Phelan (Ireland)
Paul McGrath (Ireland)
Steve Staunton (Ireland)
Eddie McGoldrick (Ireland)
Roy Keane (Ireland)
Andy Townsend (Ireland)
Ray Houghton (Ireland)
John Sheridan (Ireland)
Team Ireland
Alan McLoughlin (Ireland)
Ronnie Whelan (Ireland)
John Aldridge (Ireland)
Tony Cascarino (Ireland)
Alan Kelly (Ireland)
Erik Thorstvedt (Norway)
Henning Berg (Norway)
Rune Bratseth (Norway)
Tore Pedersen (Norway)
Badge Norway
Ronny Johnsen (Norway)
Stig Inge Bjørnebye (Norway)
Roger Nilsen (Norway)
Gerimund Brendesæter (Norway)
Øyvind Leonhardsen (Norway)
Erik Mykland (Norway)
Gunnar Halle (Norway)
Kjetil Rekdal (Norway)
Team Norway
Lars Bohinen (Norway)
Jahn Ivar Jakobsen (Norway)
Jan Åge Fjørtoft (Norway)
Jostein Flo (Norway)
Frode Grodås (Norway)
Jorge Campos (Mexico)
Claudio Suarez (Mexico)
Juan Ramirez Perales (Mexico)
Ignacio Ambriz (Mexico)
Badge Mexico
Miguel Herrera (Mexico)
Raul Gutierrez (Mexico)
Ramon Ramriez (Mexico)
David Patino (Mexico)
Alberto Garcia Aspe (Mexico)
Miguel Espana (Mexico)
Benjamin Galdino (Mexico)
Marcelino Bernal (Mexico)
Team Mexico
Hugo Sanchez (Mexico)
Luis Garcia (Mexico)
Luis Roberto Alves (Mexico)
Luis Miguel Salvador (Mexico)
Alejandro Garcia (Mexico)
281 Michel Preud´Homme (Belgium)
282 Dirk Medved (Belgium)
283 Georges Grun (Belgium)
284 Phlippe Albert (Belgium)
285 Badge Belgium
286 Rudy Smidts (Belgium)
287 Lorenzo Staelens (Belgium)
288 Franky van der Elst (Belgium)
289 Bruno Versavel (Belgium)
290 Vincenzo Scifo (Belgium)
291 Danny Boffin (Belgium)
292 Marc Emmers (Belgium)
293 Marc Degryse (Belgium)
294 Team Belgium
295 Luc Nilis (Belgium)
296 Luis Airton Oliveira (Belgium)
297 Alex Czerniatynski (Belgium)
298 Marc Wilmots (Belgium)
299 Filip de Wilde (Belgium)
300 Khalil Azim (Morocco)
301 Abdelkrim El Hadrioui (Morocco)
302 Noureddine Naybet (Morocco)
303 Lahcen Abrami (Morocco)
304 Badge Morocco
305 Mustapha Khalif (Morocco)
306 Ahmed Masbahi (Morocco)
307 Tahir El Khalej (Morocco)
308 Nacer Abdellah (Morocco)
309 Rachid Daoudi (Morocco)
310 Mohammed Aziz Samadi (Morocco)
311 Mustapha El Hadoui (Morocco)
312 Mustapha Hadji (Morocco)
313 Team Morocco
314 Abdelmajid Bouyboud (Morocco)
315 Mahamed Chaouch (Morocco)
316 Youssef Fertout (Morocco)
317 Abdeslam El Ghrissi (Morocco)
318 Abdelkader El Brazi (Morocco)
Ed De Goeij (Netherland)
Ulrich van Gobbel (Netherland)
Ronald Koeman (Netherland)
John de Wolf (Netherland)
Badge Netherland
Frank de Boer (Netherland)
Frank Rijkaard (Netherland)
Erwin Koeman (Netherland)
Jan Wouters (Netherland)
Wim Jonk (Netherland)
Aron Winter (Netherland)
Ruud Gullit (Netherland)
Johnny Bosman (Netherland)
Team Netherland
Marc Overmars (Netherland)
Dennis Bergkamp (Netherland)
Ronald de Boer (Netherland)
Bryan Roy (Netherland)
Theo Snelders (Netherland)
319 Badge Saudi Arabia
320 Mohammed Al Deayea / Abdullah Al Dsari (Saudi Arabia)
321 Mohammed Al Khlawi / Mohamed Al Jawad (Saudi Arabia)
322 Ahmed Madani / Fuad Amin (Saudi Arabia)
323 Mansour Al Muainea / Khalid Al Muwallid (Saudi Arabia)
324 Mansour Al Mosa / Khalid Al Temawi (Saudi Arabia)
325 Majed Mohammed / Saeed Owairan (Saudi Arabia)
326 Fahad Mehalel / Sami Al Jaber (Saudi Arabia)
327 Hamzah Falatah / Hussein Al Sadig (Saudi Arabia)
328 Team Saudi Arabia
A Bodo Illgner (Germany)
B Thomas Berthold (Germany)
C Jürgen Kohler (Germany)
D Klaus Augenthaler (Germany)
E Guido Buchwald (Germany)
F Andreas Brehme (Germany)
G Steffan Reuter (Germany)
H Andreas Möller (Germany)
I Team Germany
J Lothar Matthäus (Germany)
K Olaf Thon (Germany)
L Uwe Bein (Germany)
M Thomas Hässler (Germany)
N Pierre Littbarski (Germany)
O Rudi Völler (Germany)
P Jürgen Klinsmann (Germany)
Q Karlheinz Riedle (Germany)

Winx Club (320)

  •  Erschienen: 2004
  • Albumpreis: 1,50 €
  • Tütenpreis: 0,50 €
  • Album mit 32 Seiten und 228 Sticker

Das Album enthält 18 Glitzersticker, diese sind gelb markiert

Das Album enthält 12 Textilsticker, diese sind grün markiert

Das Album enthält 18 Foliensticker, diese sind blau markiert

Sticker 001  Foliensticker
Sticker 002
Sticker 003
Sticker 004
Sticker 005
Sticker 006
Sticker 007  Glitzersticker
Sticker 008
Sticker 009
Sticker 010  Glitzersticker
Sticker 011
Sticker 012  Glitzersticker
Sticker 013  Glitzersticker
Sticker 014
Sticker 015
Sticker 016  Glitzersticker
Sticker 017  Glitzersticker 
Sticker 018
Sticker 019  Foliensticker
Sticker 020
Sticker 021
Sticker 022
Sticker 023
Sticker 024
Sticker 025
Sticker 026
Sticker 027  Glitzersticker
Sticker 028  Foliensticker
Sticker 029
Sticker 030
Sticker 031  Textilsticker
Sticker 032  Foliensticker
Sticker 033  Glitzersticker
Sticker 034  Glitzersticker
Sticker 035
Sticker 036
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Sticker 039
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Sticker 047  Foliensticker
Sticker 048
Sticker 049
Sticker 050
Sticker 051
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Sticker 053
Sticker 054
Sticker 055  Glitzersticker
Sticker 056
Sticker 057
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Sticker 059
Sticker 060
Sticker 061  Textilsticker
Sticker 062  Foliensticker
Sticker 063  Textilsticker 
Sticker 064  Textilsticker
Sticker 065  Textilsticker
Sticker 066  Textilsticker
Sticker 067  Textilsticker 
Sticker 068  Textilsticker
Sticker 069  Textilsticker
Sticker 070  Textilsticker
Sticker 071  Textilsticker
Sticker 072  Foliensticker
Sticker 073
Sticker 074  Foliensticker
Sticker 075
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Sticker 085
Sticker 086
Postersticker 087
Postersticker 088
Postersticker 089  Glitzersticker
Postersticker 090
Postersticker 091  Glitzersticker
Postersticker 092  Foliensticker
Postersticker 093  Glitzersticker
Postersticker 094
Postersticker 095  Foliensticker
Postersticker 096
Postersticker 097
Postersticker 098  Foliensticker
Postersticker 099
Postersticker 100
Postersticker 101
Postersticker 102
Postersticker 103  Glitzersticker
Postersticker 104  Glitzersticker
Postersticker 105
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Postersticker 109
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Postersticker 116
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Sticker 124  Foliensticker
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Sticker 128  Foliensticker
Sticker 129  Foliensticker
Sticker 130
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Sticker 132  Glitzersticker
Sticker 133  Textilsticker
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Sticker 155
Sticker 156
Sticker 157
Sticker 158
Sticker 159  Foliensticker
Sticker 160
Sticker 161  Glitzersticker
Sticker 162  Foliensticker
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Sticker 170
Sticker 171
Sticker 172  Foliensticker
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Sticker 187  Glitzersticker
Sticker 188  Foliensticker
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Die Sticker 31 und 61 gibt es als Textil und als Papiersticker

Im Album ist ein Poster integriert

Poster Vorderseite – Sticker 87 bis 117
Poster Rückseite